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Major Lazer - Lean On Piano Tutorial
"Lean On" was released in March 2015 as the lead single from Major Lazer's third studio album, Peace Is the Mission. The single reached #9 on the US Billboard Hot 100 and topped the charts in Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Finland and the Netherlands.
For me I am a fast learner and it took like maybe 45 minutes to learn how to the first 1 in the song so it's no that easy to learn even if you are a beginning how play the piano. And I have piano for like 5 years. But good luck for those are trying
do you recall not ling ago ...... #so awesome
9 years ago | Reply
This is a song. :|
9 years ago | Reply
TY another quick song to add to my collection :)
9 years ago | Reply
For me I am a fast learner and it took like maybe 45 minutes to learn how to the first 1 in the song so it's no that easy to learn even if you are a beginning how play the piano. And I have piano for like 5 years. But good luck for those are trying
9 years ago | Reply
I learned that in like 10 seconds
9 years ago | Reply