John Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne, informally known as the "Godfather of Heavy Metal" due to his longevity and success, is an English singer, songwriter, and television personality. He rose to prominence in the early 1970s as the lead vocalist of the band Black Sabbath whom he met when he posted an advertisement in a music store that simply said "Ozzy Zig Needs Gig- has own PAâ€. Osbourne was eventually fired from Black Sabbath due to excessive drug use, however, he went onto establish a successful solo career. While he doesn't possess a great voice, he makes up for it with his good ear and dramatic flair. As a showman, his instincts are nearly as impeccable; his live shows have been overwrought spectacles of gore and glitz that have endeared him to adolescents around the world. He has at least 15 tattoos, including the letters O,Z,Z,Y on the knuckles of his left hand which he himself made with a needle and a piece of graphite while he was in jail for burglary as a youth.
John Michael "Ozzy" Osbourne, informally known as the "Godfather of Heavy Metal" due to his longevity and success, is an English singer, songwriter, and television personality. He rose to prominence in the early 1970s as the lead vocalist of the band Black Sabbath whom he met when he posted an advertisement in a music store that simply said "Ozzy Zig Needs Gig- has own PAâ€. Osbourne was eventually fired from Black Sabbath due to excessive drug use, however, he went onto establish a successful solo career. While he doesn't possess a great voice, he makes up for it with his good ear and dramatic flair. As a showman, his instincts are nearly as impeccable; his live shows have been overwrought spectacles of gore and glitz that have endeared him to adolescents around the world. He has at least 15 tattoos, including the letters O,Z,Z,Y on the knuckles of his left hand which he himself made with a needle and a piece of graphite while he was in jail for burglary as a youth.